
My favorite baby gift

I've given away quite a few of these combinations, and here's another package that went to one of our favorite local farmers, from whom we buy raw milk.. The yarn is Meilenweit Multieffekt by Lana Grossa... typical sock yarn chosen for the bright colors. I won't mention from whom it was purchased because I was extremely irritated at how long it took to arrive, no response to my email query, and then an excuse that ...... but, I babble on.

Here's a shot of the finished socks. I call them the Terrible Twos Tootsies. I loved the way the striping turned out. I knit one sock with thread pulled from the inside of the ball, and the second sock from the outside, thus reversing the striping order, and switching the order of the red and yellow stripes.

The bird is a special treat and you can see the entire collection at Ouray Toys where I buy them. Great service from these people. You can order online. The birds are by the Audubon Society and have authentic bird calls built-in. Just squeeze the back-end. My favorite, of course, is the Meadowlark, since they're our backyard bird around here.

1 comment:

Kitt said...

What adorable socks! Lucky baby.