Greetings in the New Year
Well, I've been away for ever-so-long, haven't I? But, not because I wasn't knitting. I was simply busy blogging everywhere else! But I hope to catch up soon, and thank Ravelry for getting me back over here to post. I mean, it's quite silly to leave a knitting blog link over there, and then have my new friends land on a boring old rag of a blog that shows nothing new.
So stay tuned, and may you have hope and good plans in the new year. And may you live in uninteresting times. :)
My favorite baby gift
I've given away quite a few of these combinations, and here's another package that went to one of our favorite local farmers, from whom we buy raw milk.. The yarn is Meilenweit Multieffekt by Lana Grossa... typical sock yarn chosen for the bright colors. I won't mention from whom it was purchased because I was extremely irritated at how long it took to arrive, no response to my email query, and then an excuse that ...... but, I babble on.
Here's a shot of the finished socks. I call them the Terrible Twos Tootsies. I loved the way the striping turned out. I knit one sock with thread pulled from the inside of the ball, and the second sock from the outside, thus reversing the striping order, and switching the order of the red and yellow stripes.
The bird is a special treat and you can see the entire collection at Ouray Toys where I buy them. Great service from these people. You can order online. The birds are by the Audubon Society and have authentic bird calls built-in. Just squeeze the back-end. My favorite, of course, is the Meadowlark, since they're our backyard bird around here.
Posted by Dani at 7:36 PM
Ouray Toys,
Learning socks
Sometimes, one gets good enough at a few things, that it's time for some new learning. I made a few pairs of socks recently that were such learning projects. I decided the wool wasn't risky, and I wanted to try some new stitches, so I experimented on each sock. Neither match each other in stitch pattern, but who will notice? Here are some peeks:
These are cable patterns that don't require a cable needle. You'll find them in any stitch pattern book.
I like this variation of the baby cable best, and I think hubbo will get a pair using this stitch sometime in the future. Best of all, no cable needles required.
The best shoes
Knitters often quiz each other on what shoes they like best to show off their hand-knits. Well, I don't know if these really show things off in a big and bold way, but we love boiled-wool Haflingers especially in the winter months. These shoes are enormously warm, lightweight, and offer fine sole-support. We wear them indoors and out. Here are the Haflis we got for Christmas presents:
I think they show off enough of the sock to call it a good presentation, don't you?
Kitty Knits
What's that, Queen Mum? Is there anything in there for us? Is it fun?Why yes, my sweet little ones. We have mice and other fun things for you. Just watch while we knit these clever little creatures all in one piece, starting from the tail, working our way to the bobble ears, and on to the tip of the nose. Too clever, simply too, and each mouse takes less than an hour!
And fuzzy balls filled with roving and catnip for my good little mousers.
Now what's on the needles? A paw for the clever door hanger. It was so much easier to increase stitches switching to a smaller needle for two rows.
And here it is, with a face even the Queen Mum couldn't love! Ah, well, the next one will have whiskers to rival Hercule Poirot!
But the final test is for the kitties to determine. Bentley immediately falls in love with his new toy. Some cats are so gratifying to their people, and he surely is one such darling. Do you suppose his recent neutering experience has something to do with his fondness for balls?
Porsche thinks there may be way too much fuss over all this wool.
Little Miss Aloof is not going to be bothered by any silly old mice made of mere yarn.
Oh-ho! But just wait until everyone's back is turned. Some cats have their fun on the sly.
What about the Royal Felidore? Shouldn't he have something new and fun, too? Perhaps a nice hat with very special ears to keep his head warm in a brisk wind.
Posted by Dani at 7:07 AM
blog book tours,
Donna Druchunas,
Kitty Knits,